How to Get Rust off from Kitchen Knives? Ultimate Guide

How to Get Rust off: There is nothing more frustrating than trying to cut a piece of meat and having your kitchen knife slip and slide because of the rust on the blade. This rust can spoil your food making it tasteless to eat. Additionally, if not treated properly, the rust can make your knife useless.

This article contains a complete guide on removing rust from knives along with 5 methods mentioned and explained. I will also share some tips to prevent rust. So whether you are dealing with a small amount of rust or a full-blown outbreak, we have you covered! 

Remove Rust off from Kitchen Knives using Vinegar

How to Get Rust off
How to Get Rust off

Vinegar is popular for rust removal because it is cheap and readily available. Simply soak your knife in vinegar for a few hours or overnight, then scrub the rust off with a brush. If you don’t have vinegar at this moment in your kitchen then using lemon juice or citric acid will fulfill your needs. 

Remove Rust from Knives using Baking Soda

Baking soda is another common household product that can be used to remove rust. Make a mixture of baking soda and water and rub it on the grate (rust). This method works best if you let the paste sit on the rust for a few minutes or an hour before scrubbing. 

Remove Rust from Knives using Dish Soap and Potato

If you have dish soap in your kitchen, you can use it to remove rust from your knives. Just add a little dish soap to a bowl of water and let your knife soak for a few minutes. Then, take a potato that has been cut in half and dipped in salt and use it to scrub the rust off of your knife. 

Remove Rust from Knives using Lemon And Salt

If you’ve got a rusty knife, there’s no need to throw it out – with a little elbow grease, you can remove the rust and get your knife looking good as new. For this method, you’ll need only lemon juice and salt. Just mix together equal parts lemon juice and salt, and then use the mixture to scrub the rust off of your knife. The acidic lemon juice will break down the rust, and the salt will act as an abrasive to help loosen it from the metal. Once you’ve removed all of the rust, rinse the knife off with water and dry it with a clean cloth. With a little effort, you can revive a rusty knife.

Remove Rust from Knives using some Chemical like Meta Glo

Rust can be removed from knives using a chemical such as Meta Glo
Rust can be removed from knives using a chemical such as Meta Glo

If you want to use a more heavy-duty solution, you can try using a chemical rust remover like Metal Glo. Just follow the instructions on the package and be sure to wear gloves and eye protection. 

What Causes Rust?

One of the most common problems with metals is rust. Rust is defined as the corrosion of metal due to exposure to moisture and oxygen. This can happen when knives are stored in a damp environment, or if they come into contact with water while being used. Rust can also occur if knives are not cleaned properly after use. 

When iron oxidizes, it forms a red-brown substance known as iron oxide or rust. Rust can cause damage to the metal, making it more difficult to sharpen and affecting its overall appearance. In some cases, rust can completely degrade the metal.

How to Prevent Rust from your Knives or Metal Objects?

Even the best quality knives can show signs of wear over time. A common problem is rust. Rust can cause your silverware to lose its sharpness and can be difficult to remove once it has set in. However, there are some easy steps that you could take to prevent your knives from rusting. 

  • Firstly, ensure that you must keep your knives clean by washing your knives after each use and dry them thoroughly before placing them on the stand.
  • Avoid exposing your knives to moisture by storing them in a dry place. 
  • You can also apply a light coat of oil to your knives to help prevent rust.
  • Finally, if your knives do start to rust, use a gentle cleaning agent and a soft cloth to remove the rust before it has a chance to damage the blades. 

By taking these simple precautions, you can keep your knife looking and performing like new for years.


Rust is a common problem with knives, but it doesn’t have to be the end of your favorite knife. With a bit of elbow grease and the right supplies, you can remove the rust and get your knife looking new again. 

Just remember to dry your knives thoroughly after each use and store them in a dry place to help prevent rust from forming in the first place. Do you still have any questions left about removing rust from knives? Ask them with us in the comments below! 

FAQs | How to Get Rust Off Of Your Knives?

Can you use a knife with rust on it? 

While it is possible to use a knife with rust on it, it is not advisable. Rust can cause damage to the metal, making it more difficult to sharpen and affecting its overall appearance. In some cases, rust can also cause the metal to break down completely.

Can coke remove rust? 

Yes, coke can remove rust. Coke carbonation enables destroy the bond between the metallic and the grate. Pour cola at the grate and allow it to sit for a few minutes earlier than scraping.

Is it possible to remove rust from stainless steel? 

There are some exceptional approaches you can make to remove rust from stainless steel You can use vinegar, lemon juice, or a chemical rust remover. Just be sure to follow the instructions carefully and wear gloves and eye protection when using a chemical rust remover.